Surface Water Treatment Plant: Khaira, Munger

Khaira, Munger is a hilly area dotted with few lakes and but the contamination of surface water with impurities like arsenic and fluoride renders it totally undrinkable. Arsenicosis and Flurosis victims are abundant in this region due to chronic consumption of untreated surface water. We are thoroughly glad to get this opportunity to work for the betterment of the people of Khaira by providing them water free from any contamination, desirable for drinking purposes. At present, we are in the process of constructing a 6.224 MLD (in 16 hours) surface water treatment plant in Munger. The plant will have a rated capacity of 240 cubic meters/hour.
This is one of the biggest and pretigious projects that we have undertaken so far which involves heavy constructional work such as construction of intake well, Presettling tank, Aerator, Clariflocculator, Flash mixer and Filter House, Chemical House, Sludge pit, Sludge Sump, Sludge Drying bed, Water Recirculation tank & Clear water pump House. Our entire scope also comprises of total piping from intake to clear water pump house, all pumps, mechanical arrangement required for Clariflocculator, Flash mixer & Filter House, all Electrical work for effective functioning of water treatment plant & implementation of SCADA for control & inspection over plant function. This project once completed would be capable of serving enough and more of safe drinking water for the people of Khaira, Munger.