Iron removal technology

Iron and Manganese are unaesthetic parameters present mostly in groundwater, causing unwanted precipitation and color. Iron removal is based on the precipitation of dissolved iron (Fe2+) into its oxidized form (Fe3+), as Fe(OH)3 or Fe2O3.
Arsenic Removal Technology

Ground water contains soluble Iron, toxic substance like Arsenic and may also contain pathogenic bacteria due to some external reasons. Hence to supply safe drinking water to the rural population, a suitable and sustainable process has been selected so that the plant can easily be operated and managed by the semi-skilled/unskilled villagers by their own.
Fluoride Removal Technology

When the concentration of Fluoride in water source exceeds the maximum permissible limit of 1.0 mg/lt. according to BIS standards, the water is considered to be non-potable. The first approach is to check the aquifers from different location for the possible water source having Fluoride within the permissible limit. If this approach fails then only option left is de-fluoridation of water to bring down the concentration of Fluoride within the specified permissible limit.
Bacteria removal

The water treatment for potable water is considered to be incomplete even after removal of contaminants like Arsenic, Iron, Suspended Solids, if the water is not made free from pathogenic micro organism or disinfected.