Wide range of water treatment solutions including Drinking Water Treatment, Ground Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment in the form of Arsenic Removal Plants, Fluoride Removal Plants, Iron & Bacteria Removal Plants.

HARBAUER has been serving remotely situated places of Bihar & West Bengal through
Mobile Water Testing Laboratory

HARBAUER as solution provider for testing drinking water quality standards in villages of Bihar
Water ATM

Harbauer has been successfully installing Water ATMs across the Arsenic affected regions of West Bengal. Serving more than 1 million individuals per day.
Ground water Improvement & Leachate Treatment

Groundwater is the ideal drinking water. It has a neutral taste, is clear and contains essential minerals. Landfill leachate generally pollutes ground water, that's why leachate treatment and ground water improvement is necessary. Harbauer provides modular plant technology adapted to the particular situation.
Industrial & Municipal waste water treatment

Industrial & municipal waste water is generally discharged to the local water body which in turn pollute the natural water resource. In plant water treatment & sewage treatment is essential for safer environment. Harbauer has gained comprehensive competencies for the communal & industrial needs of the water industry. Harbauer Environmental Technology handles even the most complex range of high concentration pollutants both effectively & economically.
Surface water treatment

Surface water is the water collecting on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, wetland or ocean. Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to evaporation and sub-surface seepage into the ground.
Rain water harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storing of rainwater for reuse before it reaches the aquifer. It has been used to provide drinking water, water for livestock, water for irrigation, as well as other typical uses. Rainwater collected from the roofs of houses and local institutions can make an important contribution to the availability of drinking water.