Industrial & Municipal waste water treatment

Industrial & municipal waste water is generally discharged to the local water body which in turn pollute the natural water resource. In plant water treatment & sewage treatment is essential for safer environment. Harbauer has gained comprehensive competencies for the communal & industrial needs of the water industry. Harbauer Environmental Technology handles even the most complex range of high concentration pollutants both effectively & economically.
We provide service to the numerous industries as diverse as power, refinery, fertilizer, food & beverage, automotive, pulp & paper, textile, pharmaceutical and electronics. We have installed large number water, industrial effluent & sewage treatment plants in India.
Sewage & Effluent Treatment Plant incorporates Inlet Chamber, Grit Chamber, Sedimentation Tank, Primary Clarifier, Secondary Clarifier, Sludge Thickener etc. With our proficiency and expertise in water, sewage and waste water treatment technology, we extend our broad based services in solving your present and future water, sewage and waste water treatment.