Fluoride Removal Technology

When the concentration of Fluoride in water source exceeds the maximum permissible limit of 1.0 mg/lt. according to BIS standards, the water is considered to be non-potable. The first approach is to check the aquifers from different location for the possible water source having Fluoride within the permissible limit. If this approach fails then only option left is de-fluoridation of water to bring down the concentration of Fluoride within the specified permissible limit.
We have managed to reduce fluoride concentration from 9.0 ppm to less than 0.2 ppm.
Among the available technologies, the Activated Alumina has been extensively used for removal of Fluoride. The economy of application of the use of Activated Alumina for defluoridation of water lies in effective regeneration of temporarily exhausted Activated Alumina to restore its adsorptive capacity and its reuse.